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item International Stuttering Awareness Day 2022 | Support Group Eindhoven

Results have shown that people learn the process within the three-week period of the first stage. Some patients also testified that through this program, they were able to understand their difficulty in speaking. The program aided them for making self-improvements in their ability to speak fluently. The research study showed that Generating Fluent Speech is an effective therapeutic program. If you stumble every time you speak, it would be very hard for you to get your message across. Worse, it can affect your self-esteem and performance in various social situations. According to Yoga principles, stress has a lot to do with most speech problems. People start to stutter when they become overly stressed. There are some people who only stutter at certain conditions, like when they have to speak in front of a large group or they need to present something very important to their bosses. There are also those who can t say how they feel to people important to them or they get tongue-tied when they are already faced with the people they admire. Some theorists also consider the linguistic processing problems as main etiologic factor. Many children show delayed language development. This general category is called linguistic stuttering. There are three sub-types of group. The first one involves the developmental delays in aspects of linguistic processing. However, the exact genetic mechanisms that cause stammering or genes that trigger the condition have yet to be found. Neurogenic Disorder or Signal Problems People may stutter because of difficulties in transmitting signals from the brain to the muscles and nerves that control speech. That happens when the speech muscles and nerves fail to function properly, which make it harder for the brain to coordinate with the various parts of the speech mechanism in the body. This must be backed up with therapy sessions and you should also initiate to practice facing your fears as you progress through the process. If you are dealing with a child who has this problem, you have to guide them by giving them time to finish what they have to say. Allow them to talk in a slow manner and do not interrupt that much as they try to convey their message. 

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