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Joe - Stutter

Even if these therapies will work at the beginning, the results and improvements won t be permanent. There are other basic things that you ought to know about this condition to understand the concept better. Stuttering doesn t occur as a result of emotional and psychological dilemma. You have to help your child cope with the condition by not interfering with what they are saying. Because the speech problem varies from one person to another, people who stutter also need different kinds of treatment. The treatment method you will use must be tailored according to your unique symptoms. That way, it will be easy and quick for you to improve your speech fluency. Nowadays, a wide array of treatments is available for people who stutter. At some points in their lives, children and adults experience speech difficulties such as getting stuck on their words. While it seems it is just normal to stutter, this could pose a problem in a person s day-to-day interaction with other people. If you stumble every time you speak, it would be very hard for you to get your message across. This temporary stage is called normal disfluency or pseudo-stuttering that occurs as children learn how to speak properly. Parents have no reason to worry because kids will eventually outgrow this stage after several months. Causes Until now, the exact cause of speech disfluency in children is still the subject of numerous studies. You will feel the connection by maintaining eye contact, and this is also a good exercise to complete your thoughts and ideas. 5. You are already under pressure as it is while you are trying to help yourself get rid of the condition. You must not add any more stress contributors by expecting that you will overcome the problem after some days or even a week or so. Therefore, recently, speech pathologist Carl H. Scott proposed a PWS in treating people who stutter. His model is based mainly from the mind-body-spirit medical philosophy. The technique does not only treat stuttering symptoms but also work the person toward balanced mind, body, and spirit. Patients should take note of the adverse attitudes that would lead to unsuccessful treatment. 

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