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Living With a Stutter

Speaking loudly in fact helps you vocalize each sound of your words properly, keeping you from repeating certain syllables or words. * Practice, practice, practice. If you frequently stutter, avoiding any situation in which you have to talk will not help you in any way. In fact, it will only worsen your condition because you will never learn how to pronounce words smoothly. You can also consult such even if the patient is a preschooler, but if the condition is not bothering them, you can wait if they will be able to outgrow this. Available Therapy Techniques Even if there is not one single cure that has been invented for this condition, there are various treatments that a patient can opt to alleviate the speech pattern defects. It is expected that with this condition, you will try to limit your circle to friends, relatives and family members who will not laugh at the manner you speak. But to be able to evolve and succeed in life, you need to learn how to socialize and represent yourself even to people whom you do not know. 3. Children who are still in the process of developing their speech and language tend to stutter when they speak. It occurs when children rack up their brain for the right words to convey their message. This is a sign that their speech and language abilities are not yet developed enough to help them express clearly what they intend to say. Through this, they will be able to practice how to construct their sentences and put words together to be able to verbalize what they want to let other people know. If they are at the right age or even while they are young but the condition is already hindering their social growth, this is when you should start seeking help by getting them treated by the right professionals. The next week uses the cancellation procedure from Van Riper s technique with introduction and practice processes. This stage teaches patients with slow motion speech with attention given to precise prolongation of natural speed production and the use of pauses. Records have shown that frequency of stuttering have substantial reduction in most patients. 

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