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Overcoming Stuttering: A Personal Journey of Living with a Speech Impediment

There are also those who can t say how they feel to people important to them or they get tongue-tied when they are already faced with the people they admire. For severe cases, it is vital that you consult with a professional speech language pathologist so that they can test what s the best treatment that you can get. Both phonation and articulation are other physiological processes, which often appear to function abnormally in people who stutter. There are also devices used to train gradual phonatory onset, sustained phonation, and reduce phonatory and or articulatory tension. Because studies have proven that speaking to a superimposed rhythm aides to more fluent speaking pattern, a type of device is made to teach rhythmic and paced speaking patterns. Therapy can help a lot in keeping developmental stammering from getting in the way of a child s normal day-to-day life. Stammering in children is usually treated through informing parents on the best ways to adjust or control their children s speaking environment. That way, the episodes of stammering will be minimized. These include jerky head movements, rapid blinking of the eyes, poor eye contact, and shaking of the lips and jaw. A few symptoms are more difficult to see than the physical symptoms of stammering. These symptoms involve the emotions, which can be recognized by the stutterer himself. The worst among all symptoms of stammering include fear of the condition itself, inability to express oneself clearly, and avoidance of situations in which a person has to speak. The two major goals in this initial week are improving the understanding of each patient s stuttering and making patients understand the basic concepts of speech production. This segment involves a video recording of each patient and recorded ten-minute conversational speech and five-minute reading. This is followed by lectures on speech production and analysis of the video recordings. For a long time, theorists believed that the concept of stuttering was an outgrowth or exacerbation of normal disfuency. Yet, these premises and models are still subjected to further experiments and studies. To further aid in the study of stuttering, theorists tried to categorize and make a sub-group of people who stutters. 

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