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) Change of tone and pitch when the child gets stuck with a word Avoidance of speaking for fear of getting embarrassed How to Help Children Overcome their Condition As a parent, you have to make life a bit easier for your child and lessen the struggles he or she has to endure while going through the speech disfluency stage. Simple Techniques to Help Overcome Stuttering Stuttering can also be referred to as stammering. This is a kind of speech disorder wherein the flow of speech is interrupted with prolongation or repetitions of words, syllables, sounds and phrases. The stutterer may sometimes experience involuntary silent pauses with what they want to say as they are unable to create any sounds. As a result, the self-esteem and self-image of a person who stutters go into a nosedive. All these emotional symptoms lead to another cycle of stammering symptoms, thus worsening a person s speech difficulties. All symptoms of stuttering vary throughout a person s lifespan. They may increase or decrease, depending on the physical and emotional state of the stutterer. It is because of the tendency of the condition to run in families, supporting the claim that stammering may be inherited from one generation to another. However, the exact genetic mechanisms that cause stammering or genes that trigger the condition have yet to be found. Neurogenic Disorder or Signal Problems People may stutter because of difficulties in transmitting signals from the brain to the muscles and nerves that control speech. Another advantage, which is important, is the ability to reach people from remotest areas where there are no available health providers. However, all video-conferencing systems are an expensive room-based scheme. This is because it requires several significant components for both parties such as microphone, camera, and digitizer. In addition, it believes that therapist plays a lesser role in most adult stuttering therapies. The Van Riper Program is done in a group about 12 patients with two therapists. This is often conducted in a church-run boarding house. In Germany, the therapists include Andreas Starke, together with Angelika Engert and Bernd Koppenhagen. 

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