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What causes stuttering?

It might be because of technological advances, groundbreaking designs, and great marketing techniques. Several types of this kind include masked auditory feedback (MAF), delayed auditory feedback (DAF), frequency altered feedback (FAF), and the ones that provide combinations of the different altered auditory feedback patterns. Ccccccan I wwwwatch TV? ) Substitution of vowels when repeating certain syllables. (e.g. I will wuh-wuh-wuhsh my feet. ) Change of tone and pitch when the child gets stuck with a word Avoidance of speaking for fear of getting embarrassed How to Help Children Overcome their Condition As a parent, you have to make life a bit easier for your child and lessen the struggles he or she has to endure while going through the speech disfluency stage. For instance, neostignine was used because it was effective in treating spastic conditions, which some studies consider stuttering as a form of spasm. Luckily, some experiments showed positive results. In addition, verapamil is a drug prescribed due to serendipitous basis a calcium channel blocker is used in treating cardiac arrhythmia. The mind-body-spirit medical philosophy is also known as alternative medicine or holistic medicine because clinicians look into the totality of the person including his mind and body to understand the dynamics that may induce or cause the illness and not just the symptoms. The underpinning principle for such technique is that human organisms naturally yearn for balance and wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Treatment If the condition is only mild, you must learn how to handle it on your own. It will help if you are going to find out what s causing the problem. What makes you feel nervous when you are talking with other people? Why can t you speak to a large crowd or why can t you look directly to the eyes of the person you are talking to? If you try to picture in your mind what you wish to say, then it will be a lot easier for you to find the right words to use to convey your message. It would be better if you practice visualizing the letters of the word you are going to say as you speak. 2. Perform an aural visualization. Practice speaking the words you usually find difficult to pronounce. 

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