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What is Voluntary Stuttering?

This is because it requires several significant components for both parties such as microphone, camera, and digitizer. The latter is very important for it converts audio and video into necessary digital form or codec to be able to transfer data efficiently. Most computers are equipped with multimedia components such as audio capture and playback capabilities. The following are several suggestions for parents like you who are finding ways to treat your child s speech condition: Discuss openly with your child the condition when he or she asks you about it. Avoid encouraging or forcing your child to speak to other people. Make sure that you maintain a relaxed environment in your home to give your child enough chance to speak. There are other basic things that you ought to know about this condition to understand the concept better. Stuttering doesn t occur as a result of emotional and psychological dilemma. You have to help your child cope with the condition by not interfering with what they are saying. You must allow them to finish what they are saying and make them feel that they are not being rushed into anything. For sure, you know how hard it is to cope with the condition, not to mention the mocking reaction of others whenever they hear stutters in a speech. There is no single cure for stammering. However, stutterers can heave a sigh of relief from the fact that their condition can be reduced so that they will become more comfortable with speaking and interacting with people. In addition, the fourth week involves less outdoor activities and telephone sessions. However, for ensuring their fluency, a 15 to 20 minute public speech is done as an exercise. Lastly, the final week involves no exercise anymore. It is more of reviewing the sequence of therapy and instructs the patients to work their way backwards. This speech disorder may be accompanied by symptoms such as shaking of the lips, jaw, or both as well as rapid blinking of the eyes. If left untreated, the condition may cause side effects, which can ruin one s performance in social situations. People who usually stutter are fearful of speaking in front of many people or even simple interactions such as talking on the phone. 

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