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If there is not enough vitamin A, the skin is dry and flaky. Vitamin C, on the other hand, has potent antioxidant properties and helps in collagen formation. Sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body keeps the skin young-looking and fresh. Sweet potatoes Also an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin E, another good antioxidant and anti-aging. If you are having difficulty trying to determine which skin type you have, you can consult a dermatologist or skin care expert for advise on which ones are appropriate for your skin type. Also take good note that facial skin is more delicate compared to body skin, so it is also crucial to note that skin from the neck up requires a bit more delicate and careful attention. Always avoid touching the face with your bare fingers, especially without sanitizing or washing your hands thoroughly, or allowing the face to come in direct contact with objects that would tend to collect sebum from other people, like the handset of a telephone or borrowing a facial towel, since it may cause your pimples or acne to become more irritated or infected. Recommended Skin Care Products For Men With the birth of the metrosexuals, men are increasingly made aware of their appearances. In fact, some women even complain that their boyfriends now spend more time at the mirror than they do. One of the booming industries brought on by the metrosexual phenomena is the skin care industry especially those that focus on men. Microdermabrasion also helps in getting rid of superficial scars from acne. For some, a total of six peelings are needed to achieve the best results. Others can get away with less depending on the condition of the skin. Often the procedure is done every one to two weeks. It makes use of aluminum crystals that create a micro-dermabrasion effect that helps peel the skin. Being a skin disorder usually caused by irritated blackheads and whiteheads, the development of acne becomes more and more difficult to cure if the infection is neglected and left untreated. This neglect can even cause further irritation and may eventually lead to the production of abscess. Since prevention is the best treatment to any impending injury or disaster, finding a good line of skin care products now can be an effective way to control your growing problem. 

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