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GoPro: James Stewart 14th to 1st - 2014 Monster Energy Supercross Toronto

The only difference between the two is that motocross races tend to take place outdoors, while supercross racing events are mostly held indoors. In the early seventies, motocross racing started taking the world and racing fans by storm. The only problem with motocross racing was that it was held outdoors, often in rural areas. Depending on where you live, you may be able to find a local sports store or outdoor recreational store that carries supercross equipment. For off-road bikes, you will find that it is often best to shop at an outdoor recreational sports store. Also, you may be able to find a specific motorcycle store. Jeremy McGrath: A Championship Supercross Racer Jeremy McGrath; there is a good chance that you have heard that name before. Jeremy McGrath is a California born man, who is most well-known for his supercross motorcycle racing skills. In fact, he is commonly referred to as the King of Supercross. Jeremy McGrath is most well known to those in the supercross motorcycle racing community, but his name and fame is so wide spread that you have likely heard of him before, even if you are not a supercross motorcycle racing fan. These man-made obstacles are most commonly created by taking large amounts of dirt and molding it to create a unique, track surface. Although motocross motorcycle racing is still one of racing s most popular sports, not everyone gets to enjoy it. This is largely due in part the location of most motocross racing events. This is because a supercross motorcycle racing track can not just be thrown together by anyone at anytime. There is a lot of art, design, and hard work that goes into making the perfect supercross racing track. It is almost guaranteed that you will not only find this process exciting to learn about, but interesting as well. As previously mentioned, motocross tracks tend to only be located in rural areas. This means that if someone from a large town or city wanted to watch a race, they would have to travel a pretty far distance. It is also important to note, that for the most part, motocross races were not and are still not always broadcasted on television. 

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