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Artificial surf parks becoming big business | 7.30

Surfboard Maintenance A responsible surfer never leaves their boards unattended both before and after use. It is necessary to have your board repair or cleaning kit with you when you're going out to surf. Cleaning kit includes a wax and a cloth to keep your boards clean and waterproof so they'll last longer and improve your performance on it. You don t have to start by standing on it, but you can give it a shot to see if you can already do it. If you can't do it standing up or in a crouch then try to get the feel of the board and your balance by lying it on face down. Beginners will also get the knack of paddling since you will have to row your way to the waves before you can surf. If you're not careful then a simple muscle cramp on your arms or legs can drown you. This is why it is important to always do some warm up exercises and stretching before you attempt the waves. Do squats and stretch while you're still on the beach to get your muscles ready for the task ahead. It might also be a good idea to do a little bit of bending exercises for added flexibility and to loosen up your joints. Others treat it as a way of life -- making it their lifelong hobby to search out big waves and try out their skills. Treating surfing as a sport makes it possible for you to learn the skills from scratch -- what are the gears you need, skills you need to improve, and safety measures you need to prepare so you won't have to worry about getting into trouble later on. Why Surfers Need To Do Surfing Exercises As A Habit? A surfer needs to be in top physical condition in order to perform well out in the waves. It is not a good idea to become too dependent on your equipment that you disregard to train your body to be suited for different surfing conditions. A surfer should be constantly undergoing surfing exercises to keep their main equipment -- their bodies -- in top physical shape for the sport. You will be undergoing physical exercises to help improve your leg and arm power, as well as helping you learn to balance your body to maneuver your board with ease. Also, these classes will give you in-depth knowledge on how to use your equipment and gears to their full potential, as well as safety tips to avoid hurting yourself when you're skimming through the waves. 

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