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If you're a beginner then it is best to have a guide accompany you during surfing or make sure that you're near the shore in case you need to call for help. It is also a good idea to consider the location where you plan to kite surf. You need an open body of water without any risk of hitting solid objects, like a sand bar, reef, or loose rocks since you can easily get out of control when you're under the throes of strong winds. Safety Tip # 1: Always Warm Up First before Venturing Out That's right; the most common problem with surfing is getting a cramp while swimming after getting thrown off your board or while you're skimming through the waves. If you're not careful then a simple muscle cramp on your arms or legs can drown you. Half Moon Bay is well known for its great surfing conditions -- both wind and currents product towering heights at an average of 30 feet and can reach as high as 50 feet if you're lucky. 3. Mexico Another surfspot you might want to try out is the one in Mexico, specifically in Kandahar. The assorted surf breaks make for excellent surfing conditions that can challenge even those who are considered experts in the sport. A seasoned expert who went into a class himself will teach you the basics while incorporating different lessons, like safety tips, equipment maintenance, surveying conditions, and the likes. Class Schedules A surfing school offers their classes in the start of summer where everyone has a lot of free time on their hands to learn the basics. They don t need to undergo extreme surfing conditions just to become experts; they can easily learn the basics from seasoned surfers along the safety boundaries of a camp before they try their newly-developed skills in different surfing conditions to avoid the risks that comes with the sport. Why Go To Camp? Floatation device or a life jacket is also a plus, but you can easily rent some out on the beach where you plan to spend your surfing vacation. 3. Accommodations It is very important that you consider the place where you will be staying when you go on your surfing vacation. In most cases, a hotel besides the beach where you plan to do your surfing is the best choice for you. 

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