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The best choice is to pick a resort or a hotel that is near your surfspot so you won't have to travel far just to challenge the swells. Since you won't be spending all your holiday time on the beach and skimming through the waves then it is also best to consider other recreational and entertainment venues to get the most out of your vacation. Tip # 3: Visit the Beach Where else can you find veteran surfers other than the beach? If you're a beach bum then you will surely spot a lot of surfer kiosks in the beach where swells are abundant. Take some time off from your schedule to visit these impromptu surfing establishments to learn more where you can take classes. One of the best things about attending surfing classes is that you will be thought everything you need to know about the sport without having to find out on your own. You will be undergoing physical exercises to help improve your leg and arm power, as well as helping you learn to balance your body to maneuver your board with ease. Not Knowing The Basics One of the most common surfing problems is the lack of knowledge about the sport. Novice surfers are so excited with the idea of cruising the waves that they tend to forget to arm themselves with the basic skills and preparations to avoid getting into trouble when out in the water. Warm-Up Exercise Since surfing is a physical activity at best, you need to make sure that your body is in top physical shape before attempting the impossible. First, it is essential for any surfer to do some warm up exercises to avoid cramps later on. Squats and stretching can help unwind those tight leg muscles so you won't have any trouble keeping your balance. Some boards are made for speed while others are designed for competitions and overall performance. If you're new at this then you might want to ask an expert help you pick the right one. 2. Wet Suit If you're planning to surf in a warm tropical climate then beach shorts or swimsuits should be your preferred choice. 

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