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Interlusion | A Billabong Surf Film Shot in the Mentawai Islands

Surfing as a Sport First of all, beginners should understand that surfing is a sport; meaning, anyone can do it if they really want to. Others treat it as a way of life -- making it their lifelong hobby to search out big waves and try out their skills. Treating surfing as a sport makes it possible for you to learn the skills from scratch -- what are the gears you need, skills you need to improve, and safety measures you need to prepare so you won't have to worry about getting into trouble later on. Also, since you will be constantly exposed to moderate to strong winds for a successful kite surfing experience, it is important that you wear a wet suit to keep your body temperature in normal range. As a safety precaution, it is normal to carry a knife with you during wind surfing. If you think that you're going out of control and you think that your kite is dragging you off the water then you can just cut the lines instead of just unhooking the straps connecting you to it. If you're of a mind to try your hand in surfing then here are some surfing tips to help you acquire the skills to skim the waves like an expert in the shortest possible time, as well as avoiding the dangers that comes with it. Tip 1: Start With Lessons Many surfers, especially those who learned from scratch on their own, tend to advice hands-on experience to get better in the sport. For example, if the waves are huge and the surfspot you're going to be surfing are turbulent at best then you need to make sure that you have the right equipment to keep your heads out of the water to avoid drowning. There is also a risk of being washed out to sea so make sure that you bring your GPS with you so you can make your way to shore in case it happens. For this, you need to learn balance so you can stay upright on your board even when faced with a towering swell, and of course, perfect body coordination and power to maneuver it the way you want it to. Once you have a surfboard at your disposal, the first thing you need to learn is balance. If you have a swimming pool then you can practice your balance there. One its most salient features is its material. It is designed to be waterproof and keep your body warm even in the coldest waters. This is a preferred choice for surfers who love to surf out in the wild sea where the waters can be freezing cold especially when you're in too deep. Beach Shoes and Slippers Many surfers prefer to wear nothing but the skins on their feet when surfing to keep their foot glued to the board. 

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