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Pro Surfer Goes Down Hard! #pipeline #surfing

This is a preferred choice for surfers who love to surf out in the wild sea where the waters can be freezing cold especially when you're in too deep. Beach Shoes and Slippers Many surfers prefer to wear nothing but the skins on their feet when surfing to keep their foot glued to the board. However, there are beach shoes and slippers designed for added traction to the board so you won't have to worry about sliding when surfing the waves. The best areas for surfing in Australia are those in the eastern edge of the continent, specifically in Queensland and New South Wales. The weather conditions of the Pacific Ocean offer more waves that any surfer can glut on. Also, Australia is also considered as the surfing capital of the world so you can have as much fun surfing as partying with the rest of the surfer out in the sandy beaches after a day of skimming through the waves. Wet suits is not necessary if you're going to surf in a warm tropical climate, however it is a necessary gear if the water is too cold for you to handle. Floatation device or a life jacket is also a plus, but you can easily rent some out on the beach where you plan to spend your surfing vacation. 3. Accommodations It is very important that you consider the place where you will be staying when you go on your surfing vacation. Safety Tip # 1: Always Warm Up First before Venturing Out That's right; the most common problem with surfing is getting a cramp while swimming after getting thrown off your board or while you're skimming through the waves. If you're not careful then a simple muscle cramp on your arms or legs can drown you. Same is also a requirement for paddling to maintain the right speed. Leg power is necessary to withstand the waves and help you maneuver easily as you perform your feats. Depending on the size of the swell, you need to have the endurance to maintain an even stance while skimming through the swell, especially if it s a big one. Outside your classes, you can practice your balance on a surfboard in your swimming pool (if its big enough) or you can do so on the beach. First, you need to find a position for your body to lie down or stand up. You can mark the board as reference in the future -- but you need to make sure that you are well balanced before you attempt the swells to avoid getting wiped out. 

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