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Summertime Surf On The North Shore

Learn To Balance Now that you have your own board, or gotten your hands one that you will be using for practice, the next step is to learn how to balance yourself on top of it. You don t have to start by standing on it, but you can give it a shot to see if you can already do it. If you can't do it standing up or in a crouch then try to get the feel of the board and your balance by lying it on face down. Survival Of The Fittest If you're a surfer who loves to count the number of waves you rode during a surfing trip then you need to undergo surfing exercises to make sure that you have the necessary stamina to keep your count rolling. Catching a wave is not as easy as waiting for it out at sea. You need to paddle out and match your velocity with the waves to catch it at the right moment for a successful surfing maneuver. Some cover your entire body except for the head while others look like a combination of tight-fitting shorts and sleeveless shirts. Pick one that is most comfortable and offering maximum protection from the cold if you're attempting to surf when the weather turns foul. 3. Safety Gears A novice surfer should never attempt the waves if you don t have your safety surfing gears with you. This is why it is important to always do some warm up exercises and stretching before you attempt the waves. Do squats and stretch while you're still on the beach to get your muscles ready for the task ahead. It might also be a good idea to do a little bit of bending exercises for added flexibility and to loosen up your joints. It's true that most surfers prefer to use their own equipments, but if you don t have enough roof for your board then you might want to think about renting your gears when you reach your destination. Accommodations The most important factor to consider if you're going to another location to spend your holiday surfing then you needs to plan head in terms of accommodations. Double Check Your Gears That's right; no surfer should venture out to sea and challenge the waves without first taking care of their equipment. First, you need to see if you're board is in perfect condition -- waxed and properly maintained so you won't have to worry about problems later on while you're skimming through the waves. 

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