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Surfing 101: Proper Surf Etiquette 🌊

Other boards for windsurfing includes a Wave Board that is small and lighter for added maneuverability and its wider counterpart called Freestyle boards. If you want speed then a Slalom board should cater to your needs. Learning from Experts The best way to learn wind surfing is to let an expert handle your lessons. Outside your classes, you can practice your balance on a surfboard in your swimming pool (if its big enough) or you can do so on the beach. First, you need to find a position for your body to lie down or stand up. You can mark the board as reference in the future -- but you need to make sure that you are well balanced before you attempt the swells to avoid getting wiped out. Tip # 1: Visit the Local Surfing Club If you don t know where to find a surfing class to enroll then the best way to start is to look for a surfing club or surfer group to help you introduce you to one. These veteran surfers know their way around the surfing culture and can direct you wherever you need to go with ease. Here are some last minute preparations you need to consider to avoid getting into a bad situation later on. 1. Equipment Check The best surfing condition is not only applicable to your chosen surfspot; it is also necessary to check your equipments and gears to make sure that everything is in their perfect condition before you wade out into the surf. Reasons Why You Need To Train Your Body There are several reasons why a surfer needs to constantly hone their physical condition to become an expert surfer, such as: 1. Improved Performance That's right; a surfer needs to be in the right physical condition for them to do well with the sport. You might not know it but arm and leg muscles needs to be in their peak conditions. Like your arms and legs, you need to be able to utilize the board's full potential when you skim through the waves. For this, you need to learn balance so you can stay upright on your board even when faced with a towering swell, and of course, perfect body coordination and power to maneuver it the way you want it to. 

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