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Surfing Massive Waves Waimea Bay (Jan 22, 2023) 4K

In the early days, surfing is part of the local Hawaiian customs though there have been evidence that this sport is also a custom in many islands in the South Pacific. Custom dictates that surfing is more than just a leisure activity, especially in the case of Hawaiian culture. It is considered as a form of art where surfers invoke the blessing of the gods for protection before skimming the waves. For example, if the waves are huge and the surfspot you're going to be surfing are turbulent at best then you need to make sure that you have the right equipment to keep your heads out of the water to avoid drowning. There is also a risk of being washed out to sea so make sure that you bring your GPS with you so you can make your way to shore in case it happens. Novice surfers are so excited with the idea of cruising the waves that they tend to forget to arm themselves with the basic skills and preparations to avoid getting into trouble when out in the water. The best way to avoid accidents due to your inexperience is to enroll in surfing lessons first before heading out into the swells. Tips To Help You Find The Right Surfing School To Give You Lessons One the best and proven methods to learn surfing is to enroll yourself in a surfing school in your area. There is nothing holy to learning the basics of surfing through trial and error experiences on the waves as have experts surfers have done since time immemorial. Drowning, crashing onto solid objects, or even hitting other surfers you are sharing the same wave with are common scenarios that can be life threatening if not avoided. Novice surfers should always consider safe surfing when challenging the waves and here are some tips that should help you surf the right way on your first try. Improved Performance That's right; a surfer needs to be in the right physical condition for them to do well with the sport. You might not know it but arm and leg muscles needs to be in their peak conditions. For example, you need to have strong arm power if you want to pull yourself up from a lying position to catch a wave as quick as possible. 

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