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All about BRUXISM - Symptoms, consequences and how to stop GRINDING TEETH | Dentalk! ©

Dentists were just starting to come around, although they didn t have near the equipment and sophistication that they have these days. Even though teeth were pulled during these times, it normally happened with alcohol to numb the pain then pliers to remove the tooth. Throughout the course of time, herbs have proven to be very effective with stopping toothache pain. Tinctures are natural remedies that use herbs and alcohol to massage the affected area and stop the pain by numbing the nerves of the tooth that is causing you so much pain. The best way to deal with toothache is to put out the fire. If you manage to put the fire out, the pain will follow. Even though the pain may go away, the problem will still be there until you go to the dentist and get it treated. If not taken care of properly, the jawbone can become infected, which can lead to death in rare cases. To fix this problem, the dentist will need to perform a root canal. During the procedure, he will numb the area then drill a hole into the tooth. Using various tools and equipment, he will go down inside of the tooth and scrape away the nerves and dead pulp. When you brush your teeth, you should avoid using pressure but instead use short, gentle strokes. You should focus on hard to reach places, and make sure that you get the areas between your teeth as well. You should also make sure you get eating surfaces as well, along with your upper and lower gums. The exposed root tips contain small tubules that lead directly to the nerves of the teeth. Whenever pressure, hot, or cold elements travel down the tubules, it will trigger the nerves and result in pain. Those who don t have sensitive teeth will have their gums covering the tubules, which prevents these types of things from happening. Without visiting the dentist, it is impossible to tell whether or not you have a cavity. Most cavities develop below the gums, and you won t be able to see them. If the cavity exists in the tooth, you will be able to see it, as it will change the color of the affected area. If you notice a color change or a blackened area in your tooth, you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately. 

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