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Avoiding and treating tooth sensitivity

The pain that stems from a toothache is always apparent, normally in the form of throbbing. The pain will normally intensify as time goes by, when you eat, lay down, or drink hot/cold liquids. Toothaches are very painful, and it may seem that no matter what you do - it seems to hurt more. In the dental world, toothaches can include such things as cavities, infections or abscess in the teeth or gums, debris that has been trapped between the teeth and gums, and trauma to the face, teeth, or the jaw. It normally grows wild in meadows, fields, and in open wood lands. The root of yarrow, is what contains the anaesthetic effect. If you apply the fresh root of yarrow to your tooth or gums, it will help to stop the pain - until you can get an appointment with the dentist and get it taken care of. The herb known as clove is an evergreen tree, native to tropical areas. Those who are more at risk to dry sockets include those who smoke following extractions, and those who like to grind their teeth frequently. A dry socket is a condition where the blood clot that forms after an extraction detaches itself from the socket walls. Sometimes, the clot will dissolve, leaving the bone exposed to food, the weather, and even saliva. When the time comes to have your wisdom teeth extracted, you ll need to go to an oral surgeon and have a consultation first. During the consultation, you ll take a few x-rays that will let the surgeon know how bad your wisdom teeth are. He will go over the results with you, take a look in your mouth, then tell you what options you have. If you eat a lot of sweets or drink a lot of soda, you will be at a higher risk for cavities. Foods that are rich in sugar or starch are eaten by bacteria found in plaque, which will produce acids that eat through teeth. This acid is very harmful to teeth, as it can eat through the dentin and enamel in no time at all. It normally doesn t affect the nerves, although as a result of the tooth area being lost, you may need to have a root canal to clean out the tooth before having a crown put on it. The seriousness of this fracture depends on how far it has went beyond the gum line. If it has made it s way deep into the gum line, you may not be able to save the tooth. 

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