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How to Treat Sensitive Teeth at Home

The main problem many people have against flossing is the fact that it can result in bleeding of the gums. Anytime you floss and get between your teeth and around your gums, the floss will rub against your gums, resulting in bleeding. Many people take this the wrong way, and immediately stop flossing, usually for good. If you don t do something about the progression of periodontal disease, the condition will continue to get worse. During the early stages of the disease, you ll notice that your gums appear to be bright red, and very sore. This is due to the plaque building up below the gum line. When left untreated, the plaque and tartar that is below the gums will continue to eat at the teeth. Once the medicine has taken effect, you normally won t feel anything or remember it. Laughing gas and IV sedation can put your mind at ease, so you won t be uncomfortable during your surgery or extractions. Although dental pain is something that many fear, it isn t near as bad as they may think. Most of the fear stems from not knowing, or thinking that it will hurt more than it actually does. When you brush, make sure you brush gently, and avoid using any type of force, as it will always cause your gums to recede again. In the event that using Sensodyne and fluoride mouthwash doesn t help, you should ask your dentist about other options available to you. Your dentist will know what will help you, so you shouldn t hesitate to ask. You shouldn t force the tooth into place, rather try and jiggle it around. You can also use moist tissue to hold the tooth in place, until you can get to a dentist. If you ve got a fractured tooth, the treatment will all depend upon how bad the booth has been fractured. No matter how light the fracture may be, it is very important that you get to a dentist as soon as you can. Decay is the main reason for pulp in the tooth dying. Once the decay has reached the pulp, it will keep eating away until the pulp has died. Once it dies, the toxins from the decay will be released into the root tip and make it s way into the jawbone. If not taken care of properly, the jawbone can become infected, which can lead to death in rare cases. 

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