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Tooth Vitality Testing - Testing Sensitivity of Teeth

Causes Of Toothaches When it comes to toothaches, there are many different things that can cause a toothache. A toothache can come at any given time, even though you may not expect it. The pain can be unbearable at times, and you ll do practically anything you can to make the pain stop. When a toothache first comes on, many of us start to wonder what caused it to happen. The idea here is to stop tooth sensitivity and keep the gums healthy. If you reduce the pressure you use when brushing your teeth, you ll find that your gums will remain healthy. When taught to brush their teeth, most people are instructed to use a lot of force. While this can get the teeth clean, it will also tear at the gums, which can lead to sensitive teeth. When someone asks for a root canal on the other hand, most of us, including dentists, find it to be very absurd to say the least. Although many aren t aware of this, root canals have been around for many generations. Many years ago, ancient civilizations used this method to save teeth that would have been lost otherwise. The pain can be so intense at times that you will be willing to do anything to stop the pain - even for a few minutes. Once the socket has been packed, you will be relived from pain for a day or so. If you go back to your dentist, he will remove the old packing, wash the socket out, and place a new packing in. If you wait too long and allow the infection to spread throughout the tooth, you ll end up having to get it pulled or cut out. Anytime you start to experience a toothache, you shouldn t hesitate to make an appointment with your dentist to have it checked. Sometimes, getting an appointment when your tooth starts hurting is easier said than done. Normally, he will give you information to go over, to make sure that you experience no problems in the healing process. Someone will need to be with you for the first 24 hours, to make sure that you ok. You won t be able to eat certain foods for the first 48 hours, which is to be expected. Once you get your wisdom teeth removed through - you ll notice a big improvement in your mouth - and your health. 

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