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800 gr Italian White Truffle!

Fats like butter, oil and even cheese could bring out the flavour of the mushroom. To bring out the flavour of the truffle more, limit the quantity to 8-10 grams of truffle per person. Shave or slice the fungi using the truffle shaver. If you peeled the mushroom, keep it. You could use it in other recipes. Currently, there are dogs which undergo training for truffle hunting. The season for truffle hunting usually lasts from fall to spring. Looking for truffles would require patience, since it is possible that all you may find would be clogs of dirt. Truffles are usually in a size of a walnut to a potato or apple. There is no solid evidence yet that proves the claim that truffles have the ability to stimulate sexual drive in humans, let alone animals. Despite that lack of proof of the truffles mystical power, their smell makes you want to inhale it over and over. It s difficult to exactly describe the smell. All you can say is that truffles smell pungent, earthy, musky, and sensual. The Health Benefits of Truffles And Fungi There is no question that truffles are definitely expensive, a pound would range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. There is no question of the flavour and aroma it could bring to your dishes. A small amount of truffles could bring out the taste superbly. Summer white truffle - Even if it has a milder aroma than its winter counterpart, the summer white truffle still has the pungent smell that is a trademark of white truffles. It is exactly the same species of truffles as the winter type, except that it is harvested in summer from January through April. Upon September to November, the black truffles would turn into dark grey or black with white veins. This is a sign that the truffles are mature enough to harvest and to eat. Summer truffles are best purchased from June to November. Winter truffles during November to February, White truffles during October to December Oregon truffles from mid-December until the middle of March. 

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