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8 Easy Truffle Recipes

In each type, there are variations in sizes, colors, shapes, textures which can either be smooth or wrinkled and even in taste. Usually, the taste of truffles is greatly compared to garlic mixed an earthiness flavor. It tastes like mushroom only made more pungent with the aroma of garlic. In the field of culinary, truffles are usually served raw. Other varieties of truffle mushroom include white summer truffle and black summer truffle. Harvested from January through April, white summer truffle is the least popular among the main types of truffles. Its meat is off-white with traces of tan, while its outer skin is white or tan. The mildly aromatic black summer truffle has a tannish white inner flesh and brownish black wrinkled outer skin. The summer variety is cheaper than the winter variety, so it allows for more culinary consumption and experimentation. Summer black truffle - This truffle type may seem inferior to its winter counterpart, but it is still a palatable and flexible culinary wonder, so does other types of truffles. Usually harvested from May to August, summer black truffle is entirely a different species from the winter variety. Looking for truffles would require patience, since it is possible that all you may find would be clogs of dirt. Truffles are usually in a size of a walnut to a potato or apple. The world s biggest truffle was found in Italy on 2007, weighing 3.3 pounds. It was bought by billionaire Stanley Ho, when the truffle was put up for an auction in Macau. They are also low in fat. Just like any other vegetables, they are free of cholesterol. In fact, there are several studies citing mushrooms and fungi to have to ability to lower down serum cholesterol. However, it should be taken into consideration that although mushroom and truffles have no cholesterol and low in fat, the method of cooking them would usually require them to be infused with butter or oil. Or even to those who think truffle smells like a combination of weird stuff or that of what a male pig gives off to sexually attract female pigs. Okay, that might make you cringe. But then, the fact that truffles elicit a sensual feeling cannot be dismissed outright. The incredible aphrodisiac powers of truffles have been felt not only by the ancient Greeks and the Romans, but also by modern-day gourmet chefs and connoisseurs. 

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