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Chocolate Truffles With Just 3 Ingredients!!!

Truffles are so scarce that they are hard to find. Yes, you can find them in every part of the world, but it takes a great deal of hard work, time, patience, and knowledge about various truffle species to be able to collect these precious finds. And you can correctly guess that it s their being elusive that makes them seductive, what with the human nature that drives people to want anything that is difficult to attain. Summer white truffle - Even if it has a milder aroma than its winter counterpart, the summer white truffle still has the pungent smell that is a trademark of white truffles. It is exactly the same species of truffles as the winter type, except that it is harvested in summer from January through April. From fall to spring, trufficulteurs or those who hunt for truffles for selling make use dogs that are specially-trained especially in finding buried things usually at night time. Before the use of dogs in hunting truffles, people have been using female pigs or sows for this purpose. They are used to hunt for truffles since this emits pungent smell that sows mistake for a male pig. The Basics Of Cooking Truffles Aside from the fact that truffles are rare, intensive and slow to harvest, truffles also provide a delicate and earthly flavour which makes it a jewel in the culinary world. And a jewel comes with a price. A pound usually costs from hundreds or thousands of dollars. But the culinary experience and delight that one gets from them is truly worth it. Oregon White Truffles Harvested from October to February, Oregon white truffles grow in northern California, British Columbia, western Cascade mountains, and Pacific Northwest. An Oregon white truffle has a white exterior, which turns brownish orange as it ages. 7. Oregon Black Truffles Larger and less popular than Oregon white truffles, the Oregon blacks emit a strong earthy smell when they are mature. Usually, it is washed with water and then brushed to get rid of soil deposits. Make sure that its covering is clean because you are not supposed to peel it. Once it s clean, wipe it dry using a paper towel. How Are They Cooked? Truffles are traditionally eaten raw. You can grate, slice, or scrape them and add them into any dish, soup, or sauce for a stronger and richer flavor. 

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