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Rolex Truffles

The difficulty of finding them and their scarcity make them all the more valuable and of course, expensive. For culinary purposes, truffles can be so versatile because they can be added to almost every delicacy. If you want to try them, the following are several tips on cooking with truffles. * Know the difference between truffle varieties. A pound usually costs about $200 dollars, it could vary based on the market condition. Proper care an maintenance would include maintaining a good irrigation system, keeping the trees with sufficient water. Weed control is also important. To control weed growth, you would need to cultivate, spray and even apply some mulch. The edible part of the mushroom is just the fruit of the fungus, not the entirety of it. What you must be wary about when hunting truffle mushrooms is the false truffle type, which is not safe for human consumption. It can be tricky because this mushroom resembles the real ones. How Are They Located? Truffles have risen to popularity because these are used in various gourmet restaurants to come up with dishes that use truffles as main or substitute ingredient. Here are some of the most common types of truffles that are being used in gourmet dishes: - the Oregon white truffle or Tuber oregonense and T. Desert Truffles Also known as the lightning truffle, the desert truffle produces fruit right after rainfall on the desert. This truffle type can be found in the Middle East and northern Africa. 4. French Black Truffles or Perigord Truffles French black truffles are considered the best truffle variety, which is why it can cost as much as $1,000 per pound. So far, truffles are used only in the culinary field as main ingredient to various dishes or as flavoring and garnishes to different specialties. The most common gourmet edible truffles that are being used in various restaurants include the French Black Truffles, the Italian White Truffles, the Chinese Truffles, and the Summer Truffles. 

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