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White Truffle Wagyu

There are also other types of Chinese Truffles including the tuber melanosporum which are usually made into truffle extracts and is sold at a high price; the tuber himalayensis which looks very similar to the tuber melanosporum an is only harvested in the Chinese Himalayas; the tuber sinensis, which are also found in high places and the Chinese summer white truffle. There are particular truffles which are considered higher in value compared with other species, like the white truffle. The lowest value for truffles was in 1992, when it reached $350 for each pound. Its most expensive was when each pound costs $2000. The most expensive was the white truffle weighing 3.3 pounds purchased for $330,000. Their soft flesh has white and chocolate brown color, while their outer skin is muddy tan and chestnut-colored. 6. Oregon White Truffles Harvested from October to February, Oregon white truffles grow in northern California, British Columbia, western Cascade mountains, and Pacific Northwest. An Oregon white truffle has a white exterior, which turns brownish orange as it ages. That being said, you can more accurately say that people perceive the aroma of the truffle based on the olfactory response it evokes, not so much on its real smell. The aroma is actually more overwhelming than the flavor of the truffles, so much so that it becomes the flavor itself. It s what your taste buds sense rather than the actual flavor, unless the truffle variety has a taste that resembles that of a garlic and other strong-flavored spices. Truffles with pungent flavor such as winter varieties can be stored in whole eggs or uncooked rice that can absorb excess flavor. If you want to freeze the truffles, you can keep them in olive oil before doing that. Make sure that the truffles are 100% covered in oil. This storage method will prevent freezer burn and capture the aroma of the truffle into the oil, hence the truffle aroma. Then you re in luck because commercially significant truffles are more abundant in European countries than in America. If you are located in California, the most popular and abundant truffle variety there is the Oregon truffle, whose popularity is comparable to that of the Italian truffle. The Oregon truffle is less expensive than other truffle types, as it usually costs about $150 per pound. 

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