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Vitamin D: Why you need to take it

Along with preventing cholesterol from damaging the body, vitamin C also helps vitamin E with it s functions - such as protecting your arteries and your heart. By taking both vitamin C and E as a combination, you ll be well on your way to a healthier heart. Overall, this is the easiest way that you can be sure you aren t damaging your heart, especially if you have had a heart attack in the past. Cholesterol, which is a fatty substance found in many foods, is absorbed by the body then transferred from the liver to be stored by tissue as fat. This is carried through the bloodstream by molecules known as LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins). When the LDL is oxidized, it reacts to the cholesterol and a fat substance known as plaque begins to get deposited on the artery walls, which causes the blood flow to stop. Phytonutrients are quite simply the best types of antioxidant foods that you can find anywhere. If you are looking for a supplement value, the coq10 offers you a high level of antioxidant value. Although fruits and vegetables are the best sources for antioxidants, the problem with them is that they are produced by the use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and different types of fertilizers. The fact is, ancient Egyptian doctors prescribed liver in their time, which they said contained enough vitamin A to combat night blindness. Vitamin A is also known as an antioxidant, which makes it ideal to prevent cancer and anti aging. Along with these benefits, it also helps with your immune system as well. The most prominent functions include support of the immune system, joints, tissues, along with aiding in cell growth. Zinc supplements have also been proven to eliminate sexual dysfunction, boost sexual function, aid in the health of the hair, and help with skin wound healing. No matter how you look at it, zinc plays an important role in the function of most of our senses, which includes the ability to taste, smell, and also sight. There are several antioxidant supplements out there that can help you live a healthy life, that are natural and won t cause you any damage. You can also eat different types of food that contain antioxidants as well, although supplements are the ideal way to get the right amounts of antioxidants. If you take in more antioxidants through food and supplements, there are a few benefits that you ll have, with the first being cell protection. 

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