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5 Things I Wish I Knew when I First Started Painting in Watercolor

Any form of art will work to give you inspiration since after all you can airbrush any design you see. Take the time to look at the art in the books and see them as your own. Think of how you would have created that picture had it been yours. Then go from there and start drawing out how you would have made it look. These techniques are her own exclusive techniques she created and she is sharing them with you. Shanteau offers visual DVD and vhs tapes to help other learn how to create airbrush art on automotives and motorcycles. These videos show you step by step exactly how to do certain techniques to create specific looks. It is important to keep your needle from getting bend and either straightening the needle or replacing the needle. The air cap and head assembly are on the front of your airbrush and they cover the tip of the needle. The purpose of these parts is to control atomization of the paint spray. Should these parts become dented or damaged in anyway you should replace them immediately. There are some great videos on the market that will show a beginner how to do airbrush art. These videos are created by expert airbrush artists that will show you exactly what you need to know. Air Brush Action offers up a good beginner's video called AirBrush Action Introduction to Airbrush. This video comes on DVD and will help you to learn about airbrush art. These designs are great on t-shirts, canvas and if you really want you can put then on your car. After all art is all about imagination and showing off your creative imagination. advancing your techniques and learning new design methods can help you to advance your airbrush art. Once you have learned the advance techniques and design styles offered in these advanced articles, you can then customize what you learned to create airbrush art that is truly your own. Windex is useful when cleaner your airbrush between color changes while using your airbrush. Never soak or leave your airbrush exposed to Windex for any real length of time. You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. 

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