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Learn to Paint Watercolor in 5 Minutes - Easy Beginner Watercolor Lesson

Airbrush art kits give you the necessary tools to get you started creating your own airbrush art tattoos. These kits come in a variety of sizes and price ranges depending on the dealer you are purchasing them from. Some dealers also will offer low grade products for a low price making you think you are getting a deal. Airbrush art goes on quickly thus saving lots of time compared to henna as well as airbrush art is waterproof. Unlike henna lots of exposure to water still will not fade your tattoo. Where it would take an artist 6 hours to pain on a large henna design the same artist could airbrush the design on in around 30 minutes. Simple techniques will give you a better understanding of the process and allow for you to have a foundation in which to build on. When you first try using an airbrush you need to use a cheap surface that you can just practice with. A simple black paint with work for this. No need to buy additional colors. You should not have to take your airbrush apart every night to clean it, it is alright to only do a complete break down and cleaning once a month. Just make sure you do not go any longer than that. When you take it apart to clean soak it in a commercial grade cleaner overnight. The next morning take an airbrush cleaning brush to it. When doing airbrush art on skin make sure you are using airbrush paint that is designed for the skin. Usually this will be sold as airbrush body paint or airbrush temporary tattoo ink. These are the only types of airbrush paints that are safe to use on the human skin. These paints will have a hard time staying on skin that is oily. After all what good is the blog if no one is seeing it? So find a couple of blog traffic exchanges and register your blog. A good traffic exchange if Blog Explosion. This exchange allows you to not only surf other blogs for traffic but lets you put your blog in the Battle of the Blogs for a chance to win traffic as well as ranking. 

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