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Watercolor Supplies For Beginners | What You Need To Get Started!

The type of paint that you use will depend on what you are airbrushing. Some paints can only be used on certain surfaces and are not safe to use on other surfaces. So make sure the paint you are using is safe for the surface you will be putting your airbrush art onto. Water soluble acrylic paints are used for airbrushing art onto plastic, metal, vinyl, wood, ceramics and cloth. How To Create Your Own Airbrush Art Stencils There are two forms of doing airbrush art. One way is that you can use stencils or masks to airbrush your artwork on to your project. The other way is that you can freehand the design onto your project without the use of stencils or masks. Most stencils and masks that you purchase are reusable. Airbrush Art Expert-Pamela Shanteau Pamela Shanteau is a renowned airbrush artists who's airbrush talent streams over multiple styles and surfaces. She is recognized among her peers and airbrush enthusiasts for your custom airbrush art. Her surfaces choices for her airbrush art include automotive and motorcycles and the body. When using automotive paint make sure that it is thin enough to flow through the airbrush. If the automotive paint that you have chosen does not flow then thin it down so that it flows. The paint should be thinned to about a milk thickness. A good automotive lacquer will work fine to thin down your automotive paint. Walt Disney would take airbrush art to the animated screen. The backgrounds for Walt Disney's animated movies were created using airbrushing. Airbrushing allowed them to create shadows and lighting tricks to achieve a more realistic looking background. While even this seems primitive compared to what we can do with animated movies as well as for airbrush art, this method did pave the way for both the improvement on animation and airbrush art. Cooped up in a studio too long, then go out to the park and open your eyes to everything that you see. Derive inspiration from various sights around you and incorporate them into one great piece of art. See two kids on a seesaw at the park? Turn those two kids into angels on a seesaw cloud in the sky. 

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