The classes will help build back the feelings that she can defend her and that she can go out alone with a toolbox of techniques and tactics that will keep her safe. The significant other can supply more emotional support in the way of letting the woman choose where and where she is not comfortable. Later in the healing process, you might want to escort the victim to the site of the attack. Women's self defense classes may teach you to pull the hair of your attacker. This is a good tactic if he is already upon you, but if you have the time there is probably stuff in your purse relating to hair that you can use as a weapon. If your hair brush has a stiff handle you can use this to jab to assailant in the face or eyes. Women's Self Defense: Fad or Necessity Today's society would have one believe that a woman who chooses to live alone is allowing herself to become a target for all sorts of criminal activity. A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. Always keep your kids within arms reach, especially when you are in a strange place and especially if they are to young to recognize the danger. Never leave your child alone in a car. If you are attacked or abducted your young one could suffer because you are separated from them. A woman's self defense course will advise you to have child locators on your children. If you can knock out the lights, stick a finger or stick out the hole and move around so that the driver behind can see. If they see a finger wiggling from a trunk, rest assured someone will cell phone the police. Women's self defense instructors advocate that you defend yourself and run, but if your are kidnapped you probably will have to deal with a life threatening situation immediately. Finish this famous women's self defense by either kicking the attacker in the groin or placing your heel in his face or solar plexus. Once your attacker is down, run to safety as fast as you can and scream all the way. If you learn women's self defense the right way, you are almost certain to escape with less injury and your life.
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