Most women's purses are heavy and can be swung to be used as a weapon. Aim for the head. A good blow to the temple could leave the robber temporarily daze or incapacitated enough for you to make your escape and run away. Also the groin area is a good place for you to swing that heavy purse. Simply bring it back and a huge arc and let it go. Once your attacker is down, run to safety as fast as you can and scream all the way. If you learn women's self defense the right way, you are almost certain to escape with less injury and your life. You can be taught women's self defense techniques over and over again, but if you do not practice what you have learned you will be taken by surprise should that attack ever take place. International instructors will there for you to talk to and gain information that could help you in your women's self defense goals or even pick up on the latest gadgetry that he women's self defense industry has come out with. The classes are built for either the beginner or expert. Some where you find a class that will fit your ability and your level of interest. The woman needs to understand what rape means so that the can recognize the warning signs. A rape is a sexual assault against a woman's will and without her consent. The victim does not have to be threatened with a weapon or physically restrained. If any sexual act in any orifice is done without consent, then the man has committed a crime. Women's Self Defense: Fad or Necessity Today's society would have one believe that a woman who chooses to live alone is allowing herself to become a target for all sorts of criminal activity. A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. Remember in a moving car everyone is vulnerable and the kidnapper really can't keep his entire attention on your and the road at the same time. There may be opportunities of escape according to how securely you are restrained. You may be able to kick or use your head to gain attention from a passerby.
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