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SELF-DEFENCE TECHNIQUES FOR WOMEN || 5-Minute Recovery Tips For Different Situations!

Women's self defense does little good when your own gun or knife is pointing at you. Also carrying weapons in your purse might be against the law. It would also be sad if that weapon was stole from you and another person was hurt with it. Also make sure that there are no identifying objects like address and phone numbers in your purse. Some courses that are offered through martial arts agencies, the local gym, or YMCA, will also serve to help the woman to build muscle or tone up their body. The feeling that one looks better and is able to protect themselves from potential perpetrators, enables the individual to feel confident about their appearance and their ability. Today's society is a dangerous place for a lady. Every time she walks across an abandoned parking lot at the local supermarket or walks into the parking garage at night to get in her car, she is endanger of being attacked for reasons of sex or money. Women need women's self-defense classes to give her the confidence that she can defend herself and can rely independently upon herself. What you are doing can also zero you as a target. A woman walking done the street talking in her cell phone and digging through her pocket book is not really paying attention to what is going on around her. This type of woman is an easy target because she can be easily caught of guard and attacked from behind. Out of that number, half of those were committed by family members or relatives. Out of the sexual assault cases, over half were women and girls under the age of twenty one. Women's self defense classes and women's advocacy groups are gearing their training to meet the needs of these young girls. Most young girls that are raped also have to have psychological guidance to help them understand the trauma that they have went through. You must use the point. Aim at the face area, especially toward the eyes or mouth. If the face is not available, try the solar plexus right below the sternum. That is about two inches below the chest bone. A good jab in the ribs will also deter the assailant. Women's self defense classes may teach you to pull the hair of your attacker. 

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