Another trick is to carry your stuff in a fanny pack under your jacket or short. The thief will grab your decoy pocket book and you will still have your valuable in tact. The only reason you would have to use women's self defense techniques is if the thief attacks your person directly. Do not carry any dangerous weapons in your purse like guns or knifes. The eye to eye contact you have and the direct confrontation may be enough to stop the attack entirely. Attackers do not like to be looked at. That is why most assailants attack from the year. If you do not have pepper spray or mace, confront your victim by voice. In a loud voice yell, "Stay back, go away. Their suggestions might include how to use mace or pepper spray or how to use pressure points to ward off potential attackers. The traditional methods of women's self defense are preferred, but when availability allows the use of unconventional weapons can come in handy. Unconventional weapons include every day items that you might have on your person that can ward of an attacker to protect yourself or your children. A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. Should one choose to learn the women's self-defense required to defend themselves against the unknown attacker, or would that time be better spent learning how to read people and allowing those who are unstable to remain outside of our lives? If the attack becomes really personal you will be taught how to use pressure points to either loosen the attackers grip or to cause enough pain so that the attacker lets go. Pressure points as defined by women's self defense experts are points that have a prevalenc of nerves in it. When pressure is applied to these points, pain is felt and the natural reaction to move away from pain gives the victim an advantage. The courses taught to learn the skills of women's self-defense, also encourage the possible victim to flee from possible attack. The newly skilled woman many now discover that they would like to participate in some sort of cardiovascular enterprise to enable themselves to be confident of the ability to escape from a potentially harmful situation.
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