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How to Wake a Sleepy Baby to Eat

Mobile baby monitors make it possible for parents to keep tabs on their infants without the necessity of staying awake or standing outside the nursery door all night. A typical baby monitor set consists of two parts: a radio transmitter and a portable receiver. The radio transmitter must be positioned 8 to 10 feet away from your baby's crib. In the baby s room, a transmitter device with microphone is installed while the parents have a receiver device with a speaker. Any sound the baby makes in the room will be transmitted directly to the device held by the parents. If something is wrong, the parents will definitely know about it. But baby monitors have already come a long way. You can then carry the portable receiver around during the day or just leave it plugged in at the side of your bed at nighttime. These days, a good number of baby monitors are battery-operated. Some models even have extra capabilities including a video monitoring feature and an option that lets your baby hear your comforting voice. Baby video monitors, instead of just using audio, now make use of visuals. Parents can now opt to choose whether they want a camera installed so that they may be able to monitor their baby visually. The camera sends feeds to its partner video monitor used by the parents. Wired or Wireless Baby video monitors can either be wired or wireless. This will help the device get the best reception. It would also be good to note that you should switch the cordless phone base last. 4) Using Digital Monitors The latest technology has spawned a new breed of baby monitors digital. These types of baby monitors have been made to counter any kind of wireless interference. What are the major benefits of getting a two-way monitor? With the new feature of these monitors, parents are not only able to provide for the safety of their children by being able to hear possible problems from a distance, but they are also given the chance to solve certain problems or bond more with their child by talking through the portable parent unit. 

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