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LCD or Liquid Crystal Display are the choice of manufacturers in video baby monitors since it is light, and is the best mobility wise compared to CRT devices. Baby monitors that use live video feeds may only be of two things: wired or wireless. Wireless devices are convenient and are the good partners for video baby monitors that use LCD screens as the parents unit. In the case of using baby monitors in blocks of flats with a dozen or more tenants, the devices may encounter several problems which include interference. Resolving Wireless Baby Monitor Interference Baby monitors are devices that help parents watch over their babies. But no matter how these gadgets may seem to help, there are times when they become annoying especially when you encounter interferences. You have to understand what you really need and determine how to compensate for the capability that you lack without sacrificing anything. Although parting with your hard-earned cash in order to buy a bunch of gadgets can be difficult, having that much-desired peace of mind is still more important than any money in the world. As of today, digital baby monitors have risen up to provide parents better quality and functionality when it comes to baby monitors. Digital Baby Monitors and Other Baby Monitors One obvious difference between digital baby monitors and other old baby monitors is that it s digital! This however does not in any way mean that the former is far more superior to the latter. So to avoid interference, change the frequency of your baby monitor every once in a while and make sure that the frequency you use does not clash with frequencies of other devices. To change frequencies, wireless baby monitors are equipped with a switch that lets parents change frequency easily. 2) Another way to help in solving wireless interference is to find a proper location for the transmitter as well as for the receiver (baby unit and the parents unit). Unfortunately, some people mistakenly translate money for quality. The truth of the matter is that the price tag doesn t necessarily guarantee that you'll actually get what you need. Like any other products, baby monitors need to suit your lifestyle and satisfy your requirements, even to the slightest of details. 

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