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Check Out These Beautiful, Unique Birdhouses!

Make sure that you place your painted bird house where these predators cannot get through them. Environmental factors like rain or heat from the sun can also be considered a predator to birds. This is why you need to provide the bird house with a roof, walls and proper ventilation in order to protect the birds from these harmful elements. And there is some of this bird house kit that answers to the needs of a different variety of birds. Some bird house kits are also made in order to protect birds from all sorts of dangers like heavy winds, storms and of course, birds' natural predators. They can also help avoid parasites from living into the nests of birds which are the number one cost why eggs don't hatch and why birds die. With a custom designed kit, you can always maximize its usage with proper installation, having to consider their characteristics can suggest a probably place to put them. You can also attract birds with feeders. Building a bird house with feeders can be a good way to start attracting them. Putting some feeds can attract a nice amount of birds. Make sure that the hinge is rust proof. Set proper ventilation Make 4 holes on every bottom of the bird house. Each hole should measure at least inch. Also, drill 8 holes for the ventilation on top side of the bird house. Place an extended roof Provide a roof that is extended of at least two inches in front to protect entrance of the house from raindrops that is usually driven by the wind and also to prevent domesticated animals from getting inside. Make sure that you have an abundance of their favorite food around so that you can easily get the attention of blue birds. You will be able to find some blue bird house designs for a price. But if you do not want to spend an amount of money for it, you can do a search over the internet and you will be presented with lots of ideas on building a blue bird house. There are single types or group birds that can also affect the needs and design of your ideal bird house. . You need an apartment-type of birdhouse to birds that come in groups. There are territorial birds that need adequate spacing between other bird houses, often needing 20 to 30 meters of space to prevent them from fighting over their area. 

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