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How I Budget for a New Month 💸 budget breakdown, sinking funds, financial goals etc

But budgeting finances require a pen and a notebook. Input the incoming money and the outgoing money, find the difference, and voila, your personal budget right in front of your eyes. Write in a separate sheet all your debts, recurring expenses and future expenses (such as yearly fee for life insurance or health card). One problem that stops you from budgeting money is the tendency to buy on impulse. Think of the bills that come on a monthly basis that needs to be paid. Love the earth. Save and recyle. Reuse old things or send them to charities. Don't leave the lights on when no one is using it. Use both sides of papers. It must be given proper attention and value. But for many people, the word "budget" has a negative connotation. Its impression sounds restrictive and confining because of the complexities involved. It is a time-consuming, multi-layered, and complex process. But it doesn't have to be that way. Income means the regular pay you receive from the office plus the side work you do that gets you paid as well. Anything that brings money into your doorstep on a somewhat regular basis. Now you may begin comparing the income and the expenses. If the expenditures you make are larger than your income, you are going to have a look at cutting back on your spending. Living in a big house alone is very insensible and costly. Definitely not the result price budgeting would want to have. For those who live under their family s roof, then you do not have the weight of paying rent on your shoulders. You could, however, help your family in acquiring money that can be of much help for your rental payments. Getting Serious with Personal Finance Budgeting Have you ever noticed that no matter how much money you make in a month, there is never enough? You most likely know how much you earned last month, but do you know how much you spent? If you dont, you are not the only one who doesn't. According to survey, most people spend 10% more than they make! 

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