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Wound healing Tissue engineering Tissue repair Local delivery of cells etc Analysis of Chitosan chemistry revealed that it is made up of N-deacylation, which is a chitin molecule. Chitosan is basically a linear polysaccharide, which is mainly composed of (1-4)-linked D-glucosamine together with N-Acetyl glucosamine monomers. Chitosan is nothing but just the most refined form of natural chitin, which is obtained from shells of crustaceans and shellfish. There are numerous biomedical applications associated with Chitosan. Now-a-days, liquid Chitosan is frequently used by people of different ages in order to lose their excess weight. Chitosan based products are much liked by people from all over the world. You can also get complete range of details about it from any of the reliable Chitosan message boards offered by various biomedical related websites. Currently, Chitosan is declared as one of the most significant diet aid. Now-a-days, people across the globe are taking Chitosan in form of supplements with their meals. In the beginning of twentieth century, a number of inquiries and searches considered chitosan as their theme of schoolwork. They after that implied origins of chitin, taking crab shells as well as fungai. In 1930, Rammelberg's researches headed to the verification on the uniqueness of chitosan from these sources. The variation in composition of this compound depends on sea water and animal from which it can be extracted. Another sort of dangers of chitosan is the absorption of different and hazardous impurities by crustaceans from the surrounding water. Chitosan used in medicines not only hold and remove harmful fat elements from human body but may also eliminate many other healthy ingredients. People of almost all ages are so anxious about their weight, which eventually affects their overall look. Chitosan is now available in all medical stores and is one of the most noteworthy products in reducing body weight. On the other hand, people are still gaining more and more overweight despite of such a strong concern. 

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