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Medical vocabulary: What does Chitosan mean

Tell your doctor if you are taking medicine or are allergic to any medicine, or if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while using chitosan. This must also apply to those mothers who are breastfeeding, as well as to people who have clotting problems and have any other health problem, such as high blood pressure or heart or blood vessel disease. Many reports have distinguished that rising chitosan ingestion generally extends to reduced serum cholesterol levels in addition to improved ratios of high density to little density lipoproteins which is well recognized to be defensive next to cardiovascular diseases. Together with the renowned fat as well as cholesterol lowering impressions of chitosan, a number of claims have issued emphasizing the consequences of chitosan affecting blood lipids. On the other hand, various troubles with applying chitosan as a polymer gallows in tissue engineering are presently mentioned. These contain low strength as well as conflicting activities with seeded cells. Providentially, chitosan might be effortlessly mixed with other materials so as to amplify its power and cell attachment prospective. Chitosan is known all over the world as a simple substance extracted from chitin present in outer shells of crustaceans. Chitin is also found in exoskeletons of shellfish and is the second abundantly occurring polymer in nature. Moreover, manufacturers may also get chitin from shells of insects and cell walls of fungi for preparing dry or liquid Chitosan synthetically. They claim that Chitosan is fully capable of binding fats to molecules in the user's digestive tract. As a result it prevents the user's body from fat absorption and ultimately improves the weight loss. Online available Chitosan message boards not only offer discussion opportunities but these also provide all significant information about Chitosan. The reason is that, the complexed fat now forms a fat ball that is too big to fit through the lining between the digestive tract and the bloodstream. It is in fact found out that about eone half to two-thirds of the fat content of a meal can be absorbed by body balance chitosan. And, since the blocked fat failed to enter into the digestive tract and the bloodstream, it is then eliminated through the bowel. 

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