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How to put in contact lenses - SUPER easy (Method 1)

Wearing schedules Hard contact lenses can last for months, possibly even years before they need to be replaced. Soft contacts on the other hand, have a schedule for replacement. Some may need to be removed every 2 weeks, monthly, or even daily. The more advanced contact lenses, such as Night and Day contacts, will allow you to wear them all day and all night. Hydraclear is a rich moisture type element that is found throughout the exterior and interior of Acuvue advance contact lenses, helping to give them a soft, silky feel. Once you put a pair of advance lenses in your eyes, you ll notice the benefits of Hydraclear immediately. It doesn t dry out like other contact lenses, keeping your eyes refreshed while you wear them. After you have been fitted for your contacts and found the perfect pair, you should make sure that you always go to your follow up visits. Your first follow up will be in a few short weeks, after which your optician will check your eyes and contacts again, to make sure that everything is still going good. There are however, some types of contact lenses that can contribute to dryness as well. A majority of contact lenses are made of water and polymers, most being more than 50% water. Even though the contact is moist and may feel comfortable in your eye, the water will start to evaporate from the contact lens as you wear it. Contact Lenses Without A Prescription Even though you can get non prescription contacts, they aren t meant to correct your vision. Known as plano, the most common type of non prescription contact lenses are the opaque color contact lenses. Even though they don t require a prescription, those who want them need to consult with an optometrist first to ensure they get the right fit. When you go to your optician to have your eyes fitted for contacts, be sure to ask about gas permeable contacts. If your eye doctor thinks they are right for you, he should recommend them. Normally, they are for older people, or those who have had eye problems in the past. They are strong contacts - and perfect for daily wear. 

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