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What Happens When You Sleep In Your Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are designed to correct your vision and often times protect your eyes, which is why you want to choose them carefully. If you pick your contact lenses carefully, you ll get the best type for your eyes. Your optician will give you his recommendations during your fitting exam, and go over how you should care for your new contacts. If you can t seem to get your contacts to go in your eyes, you shouldn t force them. Instead, you should put some solution in the palm of your hand, and gently rub the contact in the solution. Then, before you put it back in your eyes, you should put some solution on it and it should go in your eye without any complications. When you are ready to take them out, look up with your eye then use your fingers to grab the contact by the sides and pull it out. You can normally get it out on the first try, with a little practice. Once the contact is out, blink a few times to clear your eyes. If it doesn t want to come out, put some drops in your eye to moisten it up, then try again. You should always go to a doctor to be fitted, as the proper fitting and design is very important for safety, comfort, and the accurate vision. If you don t get fitted for your contacts, you could very well get a pair of contacts that could damage your eyes. There are several types of contact lenses available in two main types - hard contact lenses and soft contact lenses. If you wear GP lenses or looking to wear them, you ll need to keep a re-wetting solution or saline drops with you just in case they start to get dry. Anytime your eyes feel dry, you can use the drops to moisten your eyes back up, and keep your contacts comfortable. Re-wetting drops are normal to use, even with soft lenses. There are different manufacturers that produce different types of bifocal contact lenses, meaning that it may take you a bit of research and experimenting to find which type works the best for you. Some lenses however, are made with a unique design, known as concentric. Similar to concentric circles, there are two adjustments - one in the middle the other around the outside. 

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