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The effect of estrogen on the brain

This is especially in the case of people who are recommended to undertake a long term Estrogen treatment. On the other hand, study shows that Estrogen patches reduce the risk of heart diseases but it is not strongly recommended for people to use it as an alternative for heart diseases because there is no sufficient proof supporting the study yet. This is a kind of hormone that plays a very important role in the female reproductive system. Thus, if the level of this hormone reduces there is a tendency that a woman will suffer from various disorders. Estrogen cream helps the woman in maintaining a healthy hormone balance especially during the period of menopausal and even beyond. In the case of those who take Estraderm, Vivelle, Climera the finding suggests that .02 to .05 mg/ day be taken when transdermal preparation is used, while the Menostar estrogen brand has the lowest dosage with the required daily intake of only .014 mg/ day. Since the matter of decision-making is relatively dependent on individual basis, rather than taking into consideration age groups and related cases. Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. However, women should supply their body with estrogen to maintain normal functions and prevent some damages in the body. How are you going to fill your body with the needed amount of estrogen? Is it possible? To maintain a normal estrogen in the body, there are several ways you can do in order to fill the required level of estrogen in the body. This is where the information superhighway, the Internet, could be of valuable help. Many support grouped and sites dedicated to estrogen therapy could provide invaluable information to many women who are thinking about getting estrogen therapy. Forums and discussions are abound and many women could help each other out. What are the possible side effects when a woman takes an estrogen hormone? The most common side effects with estrogen hormone are: Softness of the breast, either men or women Inflammation of the ankles and legs Lesser cravings for food Sudden changes in weight Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pains Skin Irritation Other side effects are: Bleeding gums Vaginal bleeding and spotting Changes in menstrual flow Painful menstruation PMS or the pre-menstrual syndrome Vaginal infection such as Candida Diarrhea Loss of scalp hair Migraine Faintness Despair Increased sexual desires Decreased sexual desires Rare side effects include: Blood clotting Sudden feeling to urinate Unclear speech Changes in vision Breathlessness Estrogen hormone should always be balanced. 

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