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50 Phrases Every Hindi Beginner Must-Know

For more than a thousand years after its emergence, the language has truly contributed to further enrich and expand the Asian world across literary, linguistic, and scientific fields. In fact, Hindi has spread rapidly that it is currently the world s second most spoken language, following Mandarin. Native speakers of Hindi view it as among the most beautiful and most emotionally expressive of all languages that people could ever learn. You may not fully understand the Hindi write-ups now, but you surely would get the gist as you move on each day to learn Hindi. You may use the articles in the future when you practice what you have already learned. In every article, try to find out how many Hindi words you could recognize. You are doing great if you are able to recognize up to 75% of the text. Standard Hindi is also serving as the official language in the nearby island of Fiji. As a language, Hindi evolved from another one, the Prakrit. It emerged from being a local dialect like Braj, Awadhi, and Khari Boli. Through the years, Hindi evolved, mixed with influences and several terms from other languages, including Arabic and Persian. There are more than the official list, considering the many other regions of India, each with distinct variation of the language. Inherited from Sanskrit, the traditional core of the consonant system comprises 25 occlusives and 8 sonorants and fricatives. It also has 6 sounds borrowed from the Persians (Iranian) and the Arabs, but are now considered Hindi sounds. How proficient in writing, reading, and speaking Hindi do you intend to be? Be reminded that you need to allocate more hours for learning each day if you aim to learn and master the language faster and if you want to be very proficient in it. 3. Scout the Internet for Websites that offer free online Hindi language tutorials. As you learn as many Hindi words and sentences every day, intend to practice using the language as often as possible. Read simple Hindi sentences and try to understand the gist based on your current stock knowledge about the language. Look across the Internet for Hindi websites. This way, you could practice reading and writing in the language. 

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