They have monochromatic green color. Their green shade is different from bright green or grayish and dull green. Their skin is rough like rasps and they have pointed scurfs on their back. They possess big claws and long fingers and can effortlessly grasp and climb up. Their Habitat: The baby green iguanas are mostly brought up in the rainforests in tropical regions particularly in places having lower altitudes and approachable water bodies like rivers and streams. The branches should be strong to bear the weight of these lizards. Avoid use of hot rocks for lighting of tanks. Methods for Heating: The iguanas should be kept warm and comfortable. It helps them to digest their food and stay healthy. You should monitor the temperature in their cage with a thermometer. They also like crickets coated with powder containing calcium and vitamins. They should be fed dark green leafy vegetables, fruits and clean water. The Red iguanas belong to terrestrial category and spend time in search of food within a short distance from their domicile. They cannot travel long to find any other suitable dwelling place as they easily get disjointed. You should not provide a very big space also as iguana may hide somewhere away from heat. You can use the lower two feet storage place. Some iguana will usually try to hide in the bottom portion. They may fall sick and get hypothermia. It is better to provide a circular closet bar and a shelf on top. The disadvantages are that, if the number of reptiles increases more than the owners have space in their homes, it will be a big problem to feed them. It is difficult to manage and control when they already exist in a huge number and will not survive unless they get full care, proper food and shelter. What is Special with Male Iguana? Iguanas are considered a species of lizards. These are mysterious animals and are kept as pets. So many stores sell young iguanas at low prices for keeping pets. Many people get attracted by these cute creatures and get involved with them to keep them as pets. It is a fact that these tiny animals can turn very large very soon and may also become aggressive.
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