You will need to keep the original design so that you can refer back to it. After you have made copies of your traced design start cutting out the areas that you need to cut out. Then place the home made stencil onto your project and begin to airbrush your project. If you want to use a more durable material to create your stencils you can use the plastic pocket folders. Her workshops allow for students to learn her techniques and gain more knowledge while under her supervision. She is there to show you how to do airbrush art, help you quickly spot your mistakes and learn how to advance in your techniques. Shanteau is truly a gifted airbrush artists and the chance to learn from her will greatly benefit any artist from beginner to advanced. This exchange allows you to not only surf other blogs for traffic but lets you put your blog in the Battle of the Blogs for a chance to win traffic as well as ranking. Either way you are getting your blog seen and this means your airbrush art is getting seen. Another ways to get your airbrush art seen is to take a look at some airbrush art websites. Classic paintings can be airbrushed onto canvas to give for great wall art. With airbrushing the paint goes on to the canvas more evenly than if it had been hand painted. Also the time frames are shortened when the paintings are airbrushed versus hand painted. Family portraits can be airbrushed over hand painted as well to give for a more realistic painting. Also equipment in is not taken care of and cleaned will not produce quality airbrush art. First let's look at how to clean your airbrush. One rule of thumb to remember is the type of cleaner you use will depend on the type of paint you use. Solvent based paints should be cleaned with a solvent based cleaner. Airbrush Art Paints When doing airbrush art there are many types of paints that you can use. The type of paint that you use will depend on what you are airbrushing. Some paints can only be used on certain surfaces and are not safe to use on other surfaces. So make sure the paint you are using is safe for the surface you will be putting your airbrush art onto.
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