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Livestock Meaning

But if your goal is to earn consistent income out of breeding horses, then you may be better off considering other options. That does not mean, though, that you can never earn profit at all when you raise horses. If your passion really lies in breeding horses for profit, then you can look for the more profitable breeds such as Friesians, Fell Ponies, Gypsy Cobs, and Vanners. It involves using a fire-heated iron or other materials to brand a farm animal. Branding of farm animals is done so that it is easy to identify their owner. Aside from the conventional hot iron branding, there are many other ways to brand animals. These branding methods include ear tagging, earmarking, ear tattoos, inner lip tattoos, chemical branding, freeze branding, and electronic branding. They are raised for meat, milk, skins and hair. Younger goat s meat is called kid or cabrito and older one s meat is chevon, or mutton . Cattle Cattle has been domesticated since the early Neolithic age. Like sheep and goat, they are raised for meat, milk, and hides. The meat of cattle is called beef. Words ending with ing also tend to be weak. Use simple tenses of words only such as place instead of placing. Second, do not use animal or individual for it is too generic. It is best to state what specific animal you are describing. Third, avoid using lacks or lacking. These words are non-descriptive; be more detailed in description. Meat, egg, poultry, and dairy products are now given Certified Humane Raised and Handled labels to ensure consumers and animal rights advocates that livestock raising adheres to objective, precise, and humane standards. To be able to obtain the Certified Humane label on livestock products, processors and producers are required to: 1) provide appropriate nutrition to animals as well as access to fresh, clean water all the time; 2) refrain from using livestock feeds that contain artificial hormones and antibiotics that abnormally speed growth; 3) take proper disease prevention actions; 4) provide spacious shelter to animals; and 5) comply with American Meat Institute Standards especially for slaughtering. Perhaps, this is the reason why many livestock farms and facilities play sweet and relaxing music all the time. This practice has been proven to help relax animals and make their moods good all the time. Animal rights advocates agree that this practice is putting more humanity into the industry, somehow. 

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