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Cows! Learning about Cows for Kids

If you are planning to embark on the initiative, make sure you are well equipped with the necessary knowledge about the proper way of helping out their reproduction process. Otherwise, you can hire professional horse breeders who readily would render needed services for the effort. Breeding horses requires much investment as actually raising the adult ones. Also, burial site must be in well drained soils and no nearby streams, surface waters, wells, springs, or other water supply facilities within 100 feet of the burial site must be ensured. The burial site must be at least two feet above the highest groundwater elevation. Burial sites should be selected to make sure that surface water and groundwater aquifers are not hydraulically connected to the burial site. These include chicken, duck, quail, hog or pig (swine), cattle (cow and carabao), and goat. These animals are raised depending on the kind of surrounding or environment. Livestock Raising is a sure source of food and clothing. The meat and skin of these animals command higher prices in the market. Even the by-products of these animals are a good source of fertilizers. For yearlings, you need a 5-inch iron, and for calves, you need a 4-inch iron. Since horses have thin skin, a light iron is enough for branding. 3. Plug it in. Wait for more than a minute for the branding iron to reach the ideal temperature. You can tell if the branding iron is ready to use if its color turns into ash. Horse's attitude Andalusians, according to expert horse trainers, are easy to teach because they are naturally intelligent. Thus, these horses are perfect for dressage, where the horse rider can maneuver the horse's running direction using only hand movements. They are docile. That is why they can be easily tamed. Sheep and goat farming Wool, which is derived from animals, is an important agricultural export. In 1940s, South Africa became the world's fourth largest exporter of wool and has maintained to be one of the world's top ten wool producers. South Africa produces about 100,000 tons in most years. Around 50 percent of South Africa s sheep are fine-woolled Merinos. 

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