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Trucker Tim takes on livestock !!!!

There are many breeds of the animal that could be raised for labor, mobility, and food. Among the most sought-after is the Andalusian horse. You probably are hooked to the Lord of the Rings movies, a popular depiction of author J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings saga. If you are a fanatic, you must have noticed the beautiful horse that carried the hobbit Frodo to the Ford of Bruinen. If the pregnancy lasts much longer than that, seek proper veterinary or expert help. For premature foals, they can still survive under intensive care after a 310-day gestation period. That is equivalent to human baby's incubator period for premature babies. Taking care of the pregnant mare The fetal growth of foal is most active during the last three months of the pregnancy period of the mare. Some of the most popular breeds include the Long Horn, the Brahman, the Hereford, and the Black Angus. The White Park, which originates from Ireland and Great Britain, is a tough breed of beef cattle. If you are looking for profitable beef cattle that you will raise in a small farm, you will never go wrong with the Texas Longhorn. These branding methods include ear tagging, earmarking, ear tattoos, inner lip tattoos, chemical branding, freeze branding, and electronic branding. If you are going to use the hot iron method, you have to be familiar first with the rules in your state regarding the branding of animals such as the kind of brand to use and the part of the animal s body where the brand will be applied. This is because large production of commodities such as food and fiber, which increased profit, necessitated raising domesticated animals in an agricultural setting. Therefore, livestock is any domesticated animals raised for commercial purposes. Listed below are eight common types of livestock humans today raise for different reasons. In 2003, California-based Ward Egg Ranch untimely killed up to 30,000 hens because the animals were no longer productive. The hens were thrown into wood chippers. This is just one of the many issues raised by activists. In the same year, Cypress Foods started feeling the crunch of the economy. The result: it decided not to feed more than a million of its farm chickens in Georgia and Florida for up to two weeks. 

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