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It should also be accredited by several organizations. Aside from being duly licensed, a good pig dealer raises its pigs in a humane manner, making sure that they receive vaccines against diseases. Choose a Knowledgeable Dealer A good dealer is someone with enough knowledge and experience about pig farming. The Humane Farm Animal Care has finally decided to rise above the occasion by launching a labeling program for livestock products. Meat, egg, poultry, and dairy products are now given Certified Humane Raised and Handled labels to ensure consumers and animal rights advocates that livestock raising adheres to objective, precise, and humane standards. Also important to remember is that spaces between animals largely depend on their kind. Fourth, it is important to remember common attitude and behaviours of the animals. For example, cattle are prone to stampeding; pig males have fierce tusks, and horses kick when feel threatened. Another notable case is that animals like chicken and pigs must travel inside temperature-controlled conditions. An animal farm would die down if the animals residing in it is unhealthy and always sick. So, it is only important to maintain good health inside an animal farm because the possible diseases that may occur there could infect not just other animals but also people. And in this modern time, lot of ways to breed animals have done already and are now used by most all of the livestock owner all over the world. Over time, the collective behaviour, life cycle, and physiology of livestock have changed radically. Many modern farm animals are unsuited to life in the wild. Dogs were domesticated in East Asia about 15,000 years ago, Goats and sheep were domesticated around 8000 BCE in Asia. Swine or pigs were domesticated by 7000 BCE in the Middle East and China. Every year, livestock deposit tons of body wastes that fertilize the soil. This organic fertilizer increases the growth and food production of many plants. Through the years, automated farm equipment has reduced the use of horses as working animals in most parts of the world. Today, people in developed countries use horses primarily for recreation and for racing and sports. 

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